Become a Member
The Hermitage offers multiple membership levels for you to choose from!
Membership Categories:
Individual ($35)
- Advanced opportunity for ticket purchases
- Discounts on select programs and lectures
- 10% discount in Hermitage Gift Shop
- Biannual Newsletter
- Invitation to Annual Members Meeting
- Two free tour passes
Dual ($50)
- All the individual category benefits plus:
- Additional two free tour passes
- 25% discount on plant sale
Family ($75)
- All the dual category benefits plus:
- An additional two free tour passes
Supporter ($125)
- All the Family category benefits plus:
- Free admission to lectures
- Hermitage Tote Bag (While supplies last)
Sustainer ($250)
- All the Supporter category benefits plus:
- An invitation to the Candlelight Tours
Patron ($500)
- All the Sustainer Category benefits plus:
- Invitation to a private reception with the President
Benefactor ($1000)
All the Patron Category benefits plus:
Reserved parking during events
Presidents Circle ($5000)
- All the Benefactor Category benefits plus:
- A private event in the museum