Table of Contents
The Native American Inhabitants in Area of Future Hermitage Property
Settlement of Area by European Invaders and Settlers
Their Exclusion from the Area
Pioneer Settlers on Hermitage Property
The Traphaghen Family – Jersey Dutch Settlers – 1740s
The Lane Family – English lawyer and Land Speculator
They Build the House that Would Be Called The Hermitage – around 1760
The Prevosts: Late Colonial and Revolutionary War Era
House and Property Bought by Captain James Marcus Prevost in 1767
The Military Prevost Family – from Switzerland by Way of England to America
James Marcus Prevost Met and Married Theodosia Bartow in New York City in 1763
The Family Background of Theodosia Stillwell Bartow – a Five Generation Spectrum of American Colonial Life
The First Years of Married Military Life of James Marcus and Theodosia Prevost
They Establish a Gentleman’s Farm and Family Life on The Hermitage Property in Hopperstown in Bergen County in 1767
The Coming of the American Revolution Divides Theodosia’s Family
The Revolution and the People at the Hermitage
General Washington Is Invited to Make His Headquarters at the Hermitage – July 1778
The Developing Friendship between Col. Aaron Burr and Theodosia Prevost
War Activities Continue in the Paramus/Hopperstown/Hermitage Area
The Relationship Between Theodosia and Aaron Grows and Theodosia’s Fight for the Hermitage Is Successful
Lt. Col. James Marcus Prevost Wounded in Jamaica
The War Continues in Bergen County
Peggy Shippen Arnold Visits the Hermitage
Burr Intensified His Law Studies and Correspondence Between Theodosia and Aaron Became More Serious
Burr Completed His Law Studies, Obtained His License, and Began His Law Practice
The Double Wedding of Theodosia and Aaron and of Caty and Joseph at the Hermitage, July 2, 1782
At The Hermitage a Variety of Owners, 1785-1807
The Cuttings, the Bells and the Laroes
Ann De Visme Maintains the Hermitage, the Burr’s Sell the Adjacent Prevost Property
The Rosencrantz Family and The Hermitage – 1807-1970
Dr. Elijah Rosegrant (Rosencrantz) Bought The Hermitage in 1807
Elijah Rosegrant Married Cornelia Suffern from Leading Local Family
Elijah Was a Country Doctor in Bergen County
Elijah also Farmed, Bought Land and Built a Cotton Mill
African Americans at The Hermitage
Elijah Died in 1832
The Second Rosencrantz Generation – Four Sons
- Elijah II Inherited the Hermitage, Ran the Cotton Mill and Was a Postmaster
- In 1840s Elijah Had The Hermitage Reconstructed into a Gothic Revival Style Home
- In 1848 the Paterson and Ramapo Railroad Was Built Adjacent to The Hermitage Property
- Elijah Courted and Married Cornelia “Killie” Dayton
- The Daytons and Rosencrantz Were Involved in Ridgewood Becoming a Railroad Suburb
- The Coming of the Civil War, the Rosencrantz Family, and the Home Front in Bergen County during the War
- Prosperity and Loss at The Hermitage in the Decade After the Civil War
The Third Rosencrantz Generation at The Hermitage
- William “Willie” Dayton Rosencrantz Became Master of The Hermitage in the Last Decades of the 19th Century
- The 1890s: Willie Sold the Cotton Mill and Became a Golf Pioneer in Bergen County
- The Early Years of the 20th Century, 1900-1915: Willie’s Career Faltered, Bess Traveled, and the Fourth Rosencrantz Generation
- Dayton Became a Textile Technician and Mary Elizabeth Became a Proficient Golfer
- The Last Males Leave The Hermitage: 1915-1917
- Two Women, a Tea Room and Downward Mobility, 1917-1970
- Mary Elizabeth Rosencrantz Willed The Hermitage to the State of New Jersey as a Museum in 1961 and Died in 1970
- The Founding of the Friends of The Hermitage in 1972